Tell Your Employer You’re Studying

The CPA Exam is a big commitment in terms of time and energy. These are 2 things that are not always in abundance when working full time. I would encourage you to inform your employer that you are studying for the exams so they can be aware. 

When they are aware of this they will probably give you more grace and hopefully try to help as much as they can. Which may mean a little bit of work being taken off your plate. 

I wouldn’t hold out too much hope for that. But at the very least having them be aware of it won’t hurt you. 

But if you are worried about your work suffering due to the increased responsibilities it is definitely a good idea to let them know what you are doing. 

You can always just let your employer know by speaking to them in-person, but here is an email template you could use. 


Dear [Boss's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to let you know that over the next few months I will be studying for the CPA Exam.

As you know, obtaining my CPA license has been a goal of mine, and I am committed to dedicating the time and effort necessary to achieve this. After careful consideration and planning, I have decided to begin my CPA Exam preparation starting [start date], with the intention of sitting for the exam within the next [specify timeframe, e.g., six months].

I do not anticipate this having too much of an impact on my work, however I just wanted to make you aware of the added workload I will be taking on outside of work hours. If these extra hours ever become an issue I intend to speak with you and figure out the best plan of action for the situation.

I want to assure you that I remain fully committed to fulfilling my responsibilities and contributing to the success of our team and [Company Name]. I will make myself available for any necessary meetings or projects and will gladly give you any updates on the study process.

Additionally, I am more than willing to discuss any concerns or questions you may have regarding my study plan or its potential impact on my work responsibilities. Your support and understanding during this time would be greatly appreciated as I pursue this important professional milestone.

Thank you for your understanding. Please let me know if you would like to discuss further.


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