CPA Requirements


Key Points:

  • You generally need

    • 150 Credits

    • 2 years work experience

    • Ethics exam (maybe)

Unfortunately becoming a CPA is not as simple as just passing the CPA exams.

But fortunately that’s the most difficult part. Once you do that the other steps should be pretty straightforward.

Here are the general requirements. But these do vary by state so check your state’s specific requirements.

  1. College degree

  • does not necessarily have to be accounting, but do need a certain number of accounting credits

2. 150 Credits

  • You need 150 college credits. Most people graduate with around 120. That’s why a lot of people end up doing a masters degree. 

  • But you don’t need a master’s degree. You can take community college or online classes to reach the 150 mark.

  • They can be any subject too. Photography, calculus, or underwater basket weaving. As long as it is an official class that will show up on a college transcript.  

3. 2,000 hours of experience

  • 1-2 years work experience

  • This work has to be completed under the supervision of a CPA

  • As long as you work with a CPA in some capacity you should be able to fulfill this requirement. 

4. Ethics Exam

  • Some states require you to pass an ethics exam.

  • This is not something that you need to spend hours preparing for

  • It’s pretty straightforward and can be taken from home

These are all the things you need to do on top of passing the CPA exams in order to become a CPA. These ones aren’t too bad, thankfully. 

Once these are all complete all you need is to apply to your state board and provide all the documents they request. My state board was very responsive and helpful. So if you have any questions they are a great resource to ask.


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