Review Courses: Pros And Cons

Picking a review course is a big deal. But at the same time its not. Its a big deal because that will be the course you spend a lot of time in and give your trust to. But its not a big deal because they are all great. People have passed the exams with each review course so not picking the “right” one, does not mean you will fail. You need to put in the work and stay consistent no matter which review course you choose.

However, with that being said, I still think its smart to make an educated decision so here is my breakdown of each review course.

Becker: ($2k-5k)


  • Industry standard

  • Most used course

  • Biggest name brand

  • Most expensive


  • 7k MCQs

  • 400 Sims

  • Flash cards 

  • Phsycial and digital textbooks

  • Practice exams

  • Simulated exams (they look and feel exactly like the real exam)

  • 100s of hours of lectures

  • Final Review Course (for last week or 2 before exam)


  • Adapt2U Technology 

  • Coaching/Tutoring Sessions

  • Live CPA Classes

  • Mobile App

My thoughts: This is the course I used. I think it was great. It was A LOT of content. But it prepared me well and I think they have made an effort to cut back a bit on the extra content. And if you work at a company who sponsors your review course, they will probably recommend Becker.

Gleim: ($2k-2.5k)


  • High quality

  • Professional

  • Big Box

  • Similar to Becker (less clean and coo looking than Becker)


  • 10,000 MCQs

  • 1,300 Sims

  • Practice and Simulated Exams

  • Audio and Video Lectures

  • Flashcards

  • Physical and digital textbook

  • Final Review Section

  • Rapid Review (accelerated course)


  • SmartAdaptive Tech

  • Interactive Study Planner

  • Private study groups

  • Personal counselors

  • Email and Phone support

My thoughts: This is pretty similar to Becker in terms of the high quality of the material and professionalism of the course. I don’t find it quite as easy to navigate but it is probably because I am familiar with Becker. I don’t think you can go wrong with this course though. Plenty of great material.

Wiley/UWorld: ($2k-2.3k)


  • High Quality

  • Professional

  • Comprehensive

  • Emphasis on Study Smarter, not harder


  • 8,000 MCQs

  • 100+ sims

  • 100+ hours of lectures

  • Flashcards

  • Physical and digital textbook

  • Quizzes

  • Practice exams


  • SmartPath Predctive Tech

  • Personalized Study Planner

  • Live Bootcamps

  • Mobile App

  • Downloadable lectures

My thoughts: Another one that is similar to Becker. What I like about UWorld though is the emphasis on studying smarter. They show you how much students who passed the exam advanced in the course so you can try to do something similar. I think it’s a really cool feature. But regardless, can’t go wrong with this course either.

Surgent: ($1.3k-3k)


  • Data Driven

  • Comprehensive

  • Very Professional


  • 9,000 MCQs

  • 450 Sims

  • Print and digital textbook

  • Video and audio lectures

  • Unlimited Practice exams

  • Flashcards

  • 1k extra final review MCQs


  • Adaptive Tech

  • Customized Study Plans

  • 1 on 1 coaching

  • Mobile app

My thoughts: I like what I have seen from Surgent. They have adaptive tech that will help you focus on what you don’t already know and spend less time on the things you do know. They do this by having you take a test when you first start the course. This can be very helpful with people who have experience working in accounting.

Yaeger: ($337 per section, or $95-155 per month)


  • A bit old fashioned

  • Less tech

  • Less cool/clean looking


  • Video and audio lectures

  • Pdf Textbook

  • Final Review course

  • Simulated Exams

  • Practice quizzes 

  • MCQs and Sims


  • 1 on 1 phone call with Phil Yaeger to set up a study plan

  • Lectures are more traditional than other review courses (whiteboards and paper)

My thoughts: This review course seems a bit old fashioned to me. So if that is what you are looking for that's great. There is no mention of adaptive AI or data driven analytics. It has professors with whiteboards and pen and paper. It may not look as professional and modern as some of the other courses but Yaeger has been in this space for years and knows what it is doing. Plenty of people have used and loved Yaeger.

Universal: ($700-1k, or $119 per month)


  • Made for visual learners, has high quality visual content

  • Different from Traditional ‘big box’ courses

  • Less professional and corporate

  • Less text


  • 5,000 MCQs

  • 200 Sims

  • Video Lectures

  • Visual Study Guides

  • Final Review Bootcamp

My thoughts: This review course is made for people who believe that they are visual learners. I think thats awesome. However, I have read about the science of learning and there is actually no evidence that people score better when studying with their ‘preferred learning style.’ So take that as you will. Regardless, this is a quality course. There are informative lectures and video explanations for each MCQ. If you are looking for something a bit more affordable and alternative to the big review courses, this is a quality option.

Kesler: ($77 p/month or $777)


  • Teaches you how to pass the exam. Doesn’t just give you the material

  • Teaches you how to use a ‘big box’ review course

  • Can be a supplement or a stand alone course

  • More hand holding than Becker, Surgent, etc.


  • 7 Modules to teach you how to pass

  • 3000 MCQs

  • 80 Sims

  • Flashcards

  • 4 Mock exams


  • Unlimited email support

  • Mobile App

  • Custom study planner

  • Accountability Program

  • Study groups

My thoughts: I like What Kesler does. The CPA Exam is a big thing and these review courses don’t give you a ton of guidance on how to prep. Kesler is a great resource to supplement those big courses by learning how to actually use them. Or it’s a full review course in its own right if you want to use it for that purpose as well. I’d recommend using Kesler if you need some help figuring out how to actually study for and take the CPA Exam.

Ninja: ($67 p/month)


  • Clean and easy to use

  • Simpler, less material

  • More affordable

  • Full review course of supplement


  • Audio lectures

  • Reduced content textbook

  • 7,000 MCQs

  • 300 Sims

  • Ninja Notes

  • Final Review content


  • Open study question sessions every saturday

  • Live zoom study calls Monday-Thursday evenings

  • Study planner

  • Content about the CPA Exam

My thoughts: From my online research it sounds like people love Ninja. It’s more affordable and has great MCQs. You can use Ninja on its own or just as a supplement for another review course. If you are looking for somewhere to get extra practice and different MCQs, then ninja is great as a supplement. And it can be great as a full review course if you are ok with a little bit less comprehensiveness (which may be a good thing). 


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