Create Unbreakable Belief


Key Points:

  • Self belief is a must

  • Do practices that increase your self belief

  • Be; organized, positive, and realistic with your studies

“They can because they think they can”- Virgil

If you don’t believe you can pass the CPA exam you will never pass. You need to believe it. And the more you believe it, the more likely you will be to achieve it.

But self doubt is a very common thing. I can’t blame anyone for that. It is just something people experience, especially when doing difficult things. But the most successful people are those who can approach difficult tasks with a sense of belief and confidence. If you can develop those skills you will be much more successful in your CPA journey. Here are some ideas.

  1. Set realistic goals. If your goal is to pass the CPA exam after 2 weeks of studying then I don’t blame you for having no belief in yourself. To be confident in yourself you need to set reasonable goals. Don’t hold yourself up to the standard of unrealistic goals and expectations. That’s only setting yourself up for disappointment. 

  2. Develop a study routine. If you create and stick to a solid study schedule you will naturally gain more and more confidence every day. You will be learning the material, which will obviously make you more confident. But you will also be proving to yourself that you are capable and that this challenge wasn’t as scary as you had imagined. 

  3. Stay organized. You’re never going to feel confident if your life (or study life) is a mess. You won’t know whats going on or what you’re doing. Stay organized and in control and you’ll feel your confidence start to grow. 

  4. Positive Self-talk. Focus on your thoughts and how you talk to yourself. Are you always thinking about how incapable you are? Or putting a negative spin on things? Even if you have neutral self-talk start trying ti improve it. Try to think more optimistically and be compassionate with yourself. Recognize how hard you're working and all the progress you’ve made instead of focusing on all the things you still don’t know. Become your biggest supporter and see how the way you feel starts to change.

  5. Visualize success. Every once in a while try visualizing your success. Take a minute or two, close your eyes, and really imagine your success. Imagine all the hard work you are going to continue putting in. Imagine how it will feel as you put in that hard work and you start seeing more results. And then imagine exam day and how great the exam will go. And then your score release and how you will feel when you get that passing score. Really get into it. Believe it. Even if you don’t believe it, just believe it anyway. This is a practice that really will start to create some self belief in you over time as you continue putting in the work and seeing this visualization come to life.

Use these strategies to create self belief. Self belief is an essential part of your exam prep.


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