How To Stop Procrastinating and Actually Take The CPA EXam


Key point:

  • Stop talking. Start doing

If you are procrastinating taking the CPA Exam you are not alone. I have met far too many people who have told me, “yeah I’m studying for FAR right now” and then 4 weeks later when I ask them how the studying is going they say “Oh, yeah this or that came up so I had to stop but I’m going to start studying again soon.” I have heard that (or some variation of it) too many times. I am tired of it. 

And I am here to try to fix it. If you are the person who has been saying they are about to start studying… but after x. Or you were gonna schedule the exam…but y happened, then I am here to say stop it. We are all sick and tired of hearing you talk all this game and do nothing about it. Either get working or stop talking.

And I know I may be coming off pretty harsh right now, but this is a situation where you need tough love. I want you to pass the CPA Exam. I really do. But you are doing nobody any favors by saying you’re going to do it, and then never doing it.

The ball is in your court. What you need to do is have a serious conversation with yourself. Ask yourself a few things. Do you actually want to become a CPA? Are you actually willing to put in the work needed to become a CPA? Are you capable of putting in that work? Be really honest with yourself. There is absolutely no point in lying to yourself about this. If you can’t or won’t put in the consistent effort required then just accept that and stop kidding yourself.

But if you are able to have that honest conversation with yourself and come to the conclusion that this is for you, then it's time to put a plan into action. Start taking actionable steps towards this, with full intent behind you. Either start studying asap, or set a date when you will start, and make sure you stick with it. 

The CPA Exam is hard but doable. However, it will only work if you can be honest with yourself about the work and commitment you are willing to put in.


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