Why Become a CPA?


Key points:

  • Becoming a CPA leads to

    • financial benefits

    • job security

    • increased opportunities

    • & more

Becoming a CPA is not easy. Is it worth all the hard work, money, and time? That is most likely a personal decision but I’ll lay out some things to consider.

1) Money. We can’t deny that money plays a big role in this decision. Becoming a CPA is a big career development and you would hope to be properly compensated for that. Unfortunately it is hard to get specific figures on the difference in pay for a CPA vs Non-CPA but in many cases your job will provide you a bonus (and reimburse you for the exam expenses) if you become a CPA. 

Additionally, at many public accounting firms you can’t be promoted to the manager level unless you are a CPA. And applying to a job without being a CPA will definitely mean companies will take advantage of that situation to offer you less money. 

2) Opportunities. The biggest appeal of the CPA license for me was the wide array of opportunities that are available. CPAs are needed in every industry which means you can find work in fields that you otherwise wouldn’t have. Maybe you can’t become a pro baseball player, but you could the accountant for one. Or maybe you can’t be a famous musician, but your favorite artist still needs financial help. CPAs are versatile and in need, making the options out there pretty unique.

3) Security. The accounting industry is an industry with a lot of job security. People always need accountants. And becoming a licensed professional in that field makes you even more valuable. Yes, turnover does happen in the industry (just like any other), but with a CPA license you will be able to find more again much quicker than if you didn’t have one.

4) Global appeal. The CPA designation is recognized around the world. And CPAs are needed worldwide. If you are interested in working in another country then a CPA license could be your ticket to doing that. 

5) Impactful Work: As a CPA, you have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact by providing financial expertise, strategic guidance, and ethical leadership to organizations and individuals. Whether you're helping businesses succeed, assisting clients with tax planning, or ensuring financial transparency and accountability, the work of CPAs can have far-reaching implications for society as a whole.

In conclusion, the decision to become a CPA has to be made by you. It takes a lot of work and focus to do, but it is 100% doable. If these reasons are enticing to you then I encourage you to go all in and commit to getting your CPA license. 


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What is a CPA?