Pass the CPA Even If you Aren’t Smart

This is something that some people may think they struggle with. Maybe they just aren’t smart enough? 

I am 100% certain that this will not be the case for anyone studying for the CPA Exam. If you have gone through college and completed (or are close to completing) an accounting degree, then you have all the ability you need to pass the CPA Exam. If you can do that, then you can pass the CPA Exam. 

Because believe it or not, the CPA Exam is not really a test of brains. 

Yes, you do have to study a lot and learn a lot of material to pass this exam. But the most difficult part of this exam is putting in consistent and high quality study time. 

If you can manage that part of the CPA Exam then you are more than halfway there. 

The material can be learned. If you are able to get an accounting degree you can learn the material. You just need to find the right study methods and schedule. If you need help with either of these things reach out to me at 

But remember that the hardest part of this whole process is the consistent work and dedication that is required. Once you know you can do that, the rest is just a matter of studying smart.


How To Know When You Have Studied Enough


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