You can be Laser Focused


Key Points:

- Organization is KEY to focus.

- Phones ruin us all. Delete addicting apps.

- Mental and physical health matter.


Did you know staying focused on difficult tasks is hard? Of course you did.

Here’s how to fix it.

1. White Noise. Listening to 40hz binaural beats helps you to slip into a state of focus.

2. Know yourself. If you can’t study with any noise, then don’t study at a cafe. And if you can’t focus when you’re alone, then study with other people. Know what works best for you.

3. Study Schedule. Make a study detailed schedule. Once you have that set up you won't waste time wondering what to study next. You’ll just stick to the schedule.

4. Minimize Distractions. There are too many distractions around these days. Most notably the phone. Either turn your phone on airplane mode/silent mode, or put it in another room. Or if you are brave, delete addicting apps like TikTok and Instagram.

5. Time Management Techniques. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for a set period (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by a short break. This will help maintain focus and productivity by breaking study sessions into manageable pieces.

6. Stay Organized. Unorganized people spend time and energy searching through their messy desks and brains. Stay organized and you’ll spend less time wasting study hours wondering what to study or where something is.

7. Physical Activity. Exercise increases energy and focus. Make sure to be active.

8. Take Breaks. Our brains are not able to focus intensely for more then 25-50 mins. Make sure to let it refresh pretty often. Take short breaks prevent burnout and being less productive.

9. Stay Hydrated. I can’t focus when I’m hungry. You probably can’t either. Make sure to be well fed and hydrated while studying.

If you implement these ideas you will increase productivity and decrease study time.

PS: Deleting addicting apps always improves my life.


Pomodoro Technique