How To Stay Focused While Studying

Staying focused while studying for the CPA exam can be tough. But its much better to do 1-2 hours of laser focused work than to spend 5-6 hours of unfocused work. Here’s how to be lasered in.

1. White Noise. Studies have shown listening to 40hz binaural beats allows you to more easily slip into a state of focus.

2. Know yourself. If you can’t study with any noise happening, then maybe don’t study at a cafe. But if you can’t stay focused when you’re alone, then maybe that’s the spot to study. Know what works best for you and how you will stay focused.

3. Create a Study Schedule. Make a study schedule that works for you. Once you have that set up you won't waste time wondering what to study next. You’ll just stick to the schedule.

4. Minimize Distractions. There are many distractions around these days. Most notably the phone. TikTok, YouTube, and iMessage are all very tempting. Either, turn your phone on airplane mode/silent mode, or put it in another room. Out of sight out of mind type situation. Or if you are really trying to reduce phone time. Delete the addicting apps like TikTok and Instagram. When I did that, I didn’t even miss them. Life felt better. If you can defeat the phone distraction you are well on your way to laser focus.

5. Use Time Management Techniques. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for a set period (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by a short break. This will help maintain focus and productivity by breaking study sessions into manageable pieces.

6. Stay Organized. If you’re organized it will be easier to stay on schedule and focused. If not you’ll be searching for things, wondering what to study, and just wasting time. Plus, a well-organized study space can also help reduce mental clutter and improve focus.

7. Stay Physically Active. Exercise has been shown to increase energy and focus levels. Make sure to be active.

8. Take Regular Breaks. Schedule short breaks during study sessions to prevent burnout and maintain productivity. Our brains are really not able to focus intensely for more than 25-50 mins. Make sure to let it refresh pretty often.

9. Stay Hydrated and Nourished. If you’re like me you won’t be focusing when you’re hungry. Make sure to be well fed and hydrated while studying.

If you implement these ideas and stay focused you will increase productivity while decreasing study time.


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