Get Honest Feedback


Key Points:

  • Test yourself

  • Explain ideas in your own words

Getting reliable and honest feedback is vital when navigating the CPA exam study process. Here are a few ways to get it.

  1. Simulated exams. Quizzes and exams are a great way to get feedback. You can read the textbook all day and think you know the material but until you take an exam you won’t really know how much of it you understand and remember. It will also show you areas of weakness and strength.

  2. Friends or Mentors. Asking a friend or mentor about how they think you are doing is also a great way to get feedback. This is obviously much more impactful if they have also studied and maybe passed the CPA Exams before. They can tell you if they think you’re studying enough, studying the right material, and progressing well. 

  3. Explanation. To see if you truly understand a concept, try explaining it in your own words. Do this without looking at your notes to truly prove you understand it.

  4. Study Group. If you study with a group you will be able to determine how well you are understanding compared to others. You can also ask them specifically for feedback about your prep and see if they can offer any advice or tips you weren’t aware of. 

  5. Stat Dashboards. A lot of review courses have dashboards that allow you to review your progress in terms of how many hours you’ve spent studying, how well you do on MCQs on certain topics, and things like that. This is a great place to get honest feedback, this is it.

  6. Me. If you want any feedback about your current study schedule or how you are preparing for this exam I would be happy to give it to you. Just email me at with any questions, or we can set up a time to talk.


How To Stay Motivated


How To Stay Focused While Studying