How To Buy a Review Course


Key Points:

  • You need a review course

  • You can choose expensive or affordable (but you need one)

  • Your employer might help you pay

When it comes to review courses you need to know your budget and how it will be paid. Are you paying for it all? Are your parents helping out? Will your employer reimburse you? 

If you are paying for this yourself or if your parents don’t want to spend too much then price may be a big factor for you. In that case you may prefer some of the more affordable options such as Ninja, Kesler, Yaeger, and Universal. These are all great courses but don’t come with the huge price burden that the big box review courses come with. They will usually be about $70-150 per month. 

But if your company is paying you probably don’t care about the price too much. In that case, may as well get one of the pricier options such as Becker, Surgent, or UWorld. These will cost anywhere from $2k-5k.

See a breakdown of the features of each course here to determine which suits you best.

You can have success with either a pricy option or a more affordable one. If you are funding this yourself then I 100% think you are ok with a cheaper option. It may not be quite as clean and professional looking but the content is great and has helped many people pass.

The benefit of a more affordable course or one that is based on a monthly membership is that you can change your mind at any time and switch to another one. But once you go all in on Becker or another expensive option you won’t be as willing to take the plunge on another course.

At the end of the day, your review course will not make or break you. 100s of people have had success at each one. It comes down to you making the most of the material and putting in consistent hard work.

However, if you are stressing over the money and wondering whether to go for a more expensive option, just remember that this is an investment in your career that will provide you thousands of dollars down the line. The price you pay will be well worth it as long as you end up getting your license.


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