Test Taking Tips

You need to learn the material to the best of your abilities. But once you do that you need to give your best performance on the exam. Here are some exam taking tips and tricks.

1. Manage Your Time. Time management is vital for taking the CPA exam. Learn more about time management on your CPA Exam here.

2.Read the Last Sentence. If you see a big question with lots of words and numbers it may seem overwhelming. If you read all of that you may get lost and confused. So do this. Take a deep breath, relax, and then read the last sentence of the question. Many times if you start at the beginning there will be a ton of confusing information you have to get through before you get to the actual question at hand. So start by reading the last sentence, getting an understanding about the question as a whole, and then going back to read all the information. 

3. Answer Easy Questions First. Start with the questions you find easiest to answer. This builds confidence and ensures you don't miss out on easy points. If a question seems very difficult, just skip it and move onto easier ones. You can come back to the harder ones at the end.

4. Use Process of Elimination. Eliminate obviously incorrect answer choices to narrow down your options, even if you're unsure of the correct answer. This increases your chances of guessing correctly.

5. Review Your Work. If time allows, go back and review your answers. Check for any mistakes, incomplete responses, or misinterpretations.

6. Stay Calm and Focused. Maintain a positive mindset and stay focused throughout the test. If you feel anxious or stressed, take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. And if you feel the exam isn’t going well don’t freak out and throw the rest of the exam away. Give it your best shot no matter what. You may just surprise yourself and get a passing score. 

7. Answer Every Question. Never leave a question unanswered on the CPA Exam. Even if you're unsure. Guessing gives you a chance of getting it right, whereas leaving it blank guarantees zero points. Plus there is no penalty for wrong answers.

8. Use Scratch Paper. You are allowed to use scratch paper. Do it. Jot down notes and formulas, or sketch out solutions. This can help organize your thoughts and prevent errors.Or write down any words or ideas you think you could forget. 

9. Focus on Keywords. Pay attention to key words in questions, such as "not," "except," "most likely," etc. These words can significantly affect the meaning of the question. Also, words like “never” and “always” are dangerous. It’s not extremely common for something to be absolute in either direction like that so be wary of those options

Remember, effective test-taking is not just about knowing the material—it's also about strategy and mindset. By implementing these strategies and tips, you can approach the CPA Exam with confidence and maximize your performance.


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CPA Exam Format