Cost of Becoming a CPA

Becoming a CPA is not easy. It’s not cheap either. But it is worth it.

Here is a breakdown of the costs of becoming a CPA. (excluding your college degree)

  • NTS: $300 (each is anywhere from $100-200 and a student will likely buy 2-3 NTSs)

  • Exam Application: $50 (ranges from $50-200. Mine was $50)

  • Exam Fees: $800 (each exam costs about $200)

  • Review Course: $800-3k (depending on the course you select)

  • Ethics Course $100 (some states require an ethics exam as well)

Total: $2k-4.2k (approximately) 

These are all the costs of becoming a CPA. There is also the cost of less than $100 to renew your license each year. But all in all, this investment is well worth the money (and time)


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